Friday Unwind #15: Ackamaracus; Ryan Gosling; Women at War; Sydney Opera House; D-Backs
Happy Friday!
After 21 Club is where Friday meets you on the way to life’s little pleasures. Reviews, recommendations, thoughts, and your comments to share with multiple generations.
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🙊 Ackamarakus and other fine words from the 1930’s
Here’s some Friday fun to test your knowledge of the 1930’s.
What does each of these 1930’s slang words mean? If these aren’t enough for you, here are 14 more. Answers are below….upside down….because I remember someone said they couldn’t get their phone to show an upside down image!😈😁
Dog’s Soup
🕺 Ryan Gosling
Did you see La La Land? Some pretty amazing dancing by Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling, right? Ever wonder where Ryan got those dance moves? Wonder no more:
Now those pants that he wore….that’s another story for another day…
🎬GROOVIE MOVIE: Women at War
Actually an 8 episode series, Women at War begins in 1914 France where the lives of four very different women intersect.
Marguerite is a Parisian sex worker with a hidden agenda. Caroline takes the reins of her family business after tragedy strikes. Mother Agnes fights exploitation in a convent that has been requisitioned by the military. And Suzanne is a nurse dealing with the victims of a horrific war and hiding a secret that could get her killed.
Women at War gets high marks from both Rotten Tomatoes and the audience. I was intrigued by the struggle of war played against the struggle of these four women as they fought their personal battles
Amazing scenery and costumes and intricate characters make this a good watch. I hope you enjoy it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🗺 ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: The Sydney Opera House

For you history buffs, on October 20, 1973 the Sydney Opera House was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II to the music of Beethoven’s No. 9.
In 1957 Danish architect, Jorn Utzen won an international competition for his design of what would become the Sydney Opera House. Originally his design had been thrown into a pile of 30 rejected entries.😱
Thanks to Finnish-American architect, Eero Saarinen, the entry was rescued and the rest is history.
If anyone has been there, it would be wonderful to hear of your experience.
⚾ About Those D-Backs
Ok, I know this is just random and maybe only important to little old me. But my Arizona Diamondbacks are in the playoffs for the National League Championship against the Philadelphia Phillies.
I had just moved to Phoenix in 2001. The Diamondbacks won the division title behind amazing pitching from Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson. I shared regular season game tickets with several other couples and always hoped for a foul ball to fly my way… although I would have been beaned for sure.
In the World Series, the Yankees were just 2 outs away from winning when the D-backs rallied for a comeback victory. I couldn’t go to the game (who could afford those tickets!), but I remember watching it on television thinking, “don’t give up”.
So they have now inched their way into the 2023 division championships. Down two games to one, I’m revisiting that mantra…. “don’t give up”. Actually, I think that mantra could apply to a lot of things, yes?
PS - I also had a bit of a ‘thing’ for center fielder Steve Finley. TMI?
Happy Friday everyone. I hope your plans for the weekend are a hit!
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How many 1930’s slang words did you know? (I’m checking your answers…🤣)
Got any dance moves?💃🕺
Hi, hey, howdy….the old standby.🙋♀️
___________ Fill in the blank!
Been to the Sydney Opera House?
Baseball… ok time for you to rag on my team. Who’s your fav this season?⚾
What’s your mantra?
Whatever your generation, if you’d like a sweet retreat where Friday meets you on the way to little pleasures…..I hope you will Subscribe to After 21 Club. You’ll get a little treat in your Inbox each Friday.
Wherever you are, I hope life is sunny. 🌞❤Heather
PS: My other publication, Kindness Magnet, has just returned from getting a makeover. Here’s how you can subscribe (Oh, please do.). If you head on over there you can see the before and after pics of the makeover!💚🤕
I knew 3 on the list. I loved watching the video clip of Ryan Gosling. Regarding the diamondbacks, enjoy! I live in Boston and have experienced the pleasure and pressure of being a playoff team. I think your general manager is (or was) a former ReD Sox guy. Anyway, best of luck!
I’ve been to, not in, the Sydney Opera House, but the only thing I really remember was all the souvenir vendors selling kangaroo scrotum coin bags. I’m not sure if I’m culturally shallow or if it’s the Oz who are.
Sisters in Arms and Girls of the Sun are my all-time favorite female warrior movies, which I won’t spoil the plot of, other than to say that if I was the king of the world, I would have given the Yazidi women a battalion of pink Abrams tanks, training, fuel, ammo, technical support, and loud speakers so they could ululate every time they obliterated another clot of savages so the savages would know they were sent to hell by women.
Was that a little too harsh?